Hello and welcome to my humble blog! By way of introduction I am a born-again Christian who seeks to live in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of the Triune Yahweh Elohim Shaddai–the LORD God Almighty Who is our infinite Creator.
I believe Biblical Christianity as found in the 66 books of the Holy Bible is the only true and right religion revealed to mankind and all other faiths and extra-Biblical sources of revelation are absolutely false and without any merit or redemptive power.
For whatever reason the Lord has seen fit to gift me with a passion for Christian apologetics and discernment - two subjects which are as "un-glamorous" as they are underrated and unappreciated. Furthermore the Lord chose to yoke these gifts to a stubborn, tenacious, persistent and rather direct personality.
Beyond my peculiar personality traits the Lord has seen fit to imbue me with a deep appreciation of the written word which I suppose ultimately resulted in the creation of this blog. Through this medium I hope to share my worldview with any who are interested, and in this manner I hope to expand my witness to the lost, and extend whatever ability I’ve been given to edify the believer to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, the risen Savior.
I believe the professing church is among the largest mission fields in the world. Furthermore I believe that we are witnessing the last days apostasy as the modern professing Church slouches inexorably toward the barren spiritual wasteland of Laodicia.
Friends beware because the church is filled with false teachers! These are ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing who are rending the flock with false doctrine, outright heresy and New Age mysticism. Sadly modern "Church-ianity" - particularly the American church - is more interested in programs, rallies, politics, numbers in the pews and the dollars in the offering plate than it is with reaching the lost, edifying the believer or earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints of God.
The seeker-sensitive, relevance obsessed, white-washed sepulcher of modern American Christianity is a stain on the history of Christ's church. Too many of the "leaders" - so called - of modern evangelicalism have bowed their knees to the church growth Baal of Rick Warren, adopted the sickly sweet non-theology of Joel Osteen and embraced the "hip relevance" of the post-modern neo-liberal apostate emergent church guru Brian McLaren and his constantly re-imagined “McGospel” – may his false church never be able to state “billions and billions served”! The apostate Roman Catholic Church already has dibs on that claim…but perhaps “served” would necessarily need to be changed to “deceived” or “damned”.
Clearly discernment is all but dead in what passes for Christianity these days and the hour has come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;".
My primary objective with this blog is to be one of those who are striking at the root of evil and not merely hacking at its leaves.
May my meager efforts in this late hour be blessed of the Lord Most High and reach hearts and minds for His everlasting glory!
Maranatha Lord Jesus!
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Greetings and Salutations!
Posted by
Coram Deo
10:19 AM
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