It's important to realize in today's climate of ecumenicalism and unity by all means that the Church of Rome officially cursed all Protestant Christians during Vatican I. Vatican I lasted for 18 years and was convened as a response to Luther's 95 theses and the subsequent Protestant Reformation.
The result of the RCC's analysis of the Protestant's doctrine was to change absolutely nothing as touching Rome's doctrine, but rather to pronounce a papal curse upon those who held to faith by grace alone (as opposed to faith plus works as promulgated by the apostate RCC).
Regardless of what we may think of some of his other activities, before a worldwide audience on the The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. D. James Kennedy at least had the intestinal fortitude to be willing to put all this all into its proper perspective when he tells us:
The Council Of Trent [was a full] 18 years…spent examining the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation…[and] this has never been altered or denied by the [Roman] Catholic Church – “if anyone says that the faith which justifies is nothing else but trust in the divine mercy–which pardons sins because of Christ or that it is trust alone by which we are justified” – which is what every Evangelical Christian would say… “Let him be anathema.” Which means let him be accursed. Every Evangelical Christian in the world stands under the official–[and] never changed curse of the Roman [Catholic] Church. (Grace To You, Irreconcilable Differences, cassette tape GTY54, parts 1-3, side 1). (HAT TIP: Apprising Ministries)
So there you have it Christian. Can you embrace with open arms the apostate false-church that curses you and your faith in the Risen Lord of Glory? Can you simply shrug off the "minor doctrinal differences" between you and fellowship with your "Catholic brothers and sisters"?
Scripture answers with a resounding "NO!" in 2 Corinthians 6:14 - "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
Lord may we be bold to stand upon your unchanging and eternal Word! Empower us O' mighty King that we would not be deceived by the subtlety of the enemy who would ensnare us with his false doctrine and counterfeit unity; who would enter in secretly introducing destructive heresies! The enemy is as a wolf in sheep's clothing desiring to rend the flock! Give us eyes to see O' Lord and ears to hear your truth and your voice Lord, and let us not hearken unto another! Keep us Lord by Your power and strength and after having done all to stand, may we stand steadfastly upon the Rock of our Salvation and Your holy Word of Truth! Amen.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Cursed by Rome
Posted by
Coram Deo
10:53 AM
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