The Holy Bible teaches that Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, God the Son, suffered on the cross and endured the humiliation and shame in place of those who would be saved by grace through faith in Him alone. He suffered infinitely, completely, and perfectly for fallen man’s abominable and offensive sin, imperfection, trespass, and unrighteousness.
He came to save sinners.
He died for the ungodly.
His perfect and sinless shed blood fully satisfied the Father’s wrath against the sins of those who believe on Him and are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Because He lived a perfect and sinless life and suffered a perfect and obedient death as the Lamb of God which fully satisfied His Father’s wrath He thereby, being glorified and restored to His royal position where He was with the Father from before the foundations of the world, is able to impute His perfect righteousness to those who are called by His Holy Name and who are saved by grace through faith in Him alone. Jesus Christ justifies the ungodly who come to Him by grace through faith in Him alone and translates them from spiritual death unto spiritual life causing them to become a “new creature in Christ”, a redeemed being, who has been “born-again” of His Spirit (The Holy Spirit of God) and restored into right relationship with the Father through the imputed righteousness of the Son.
Only God Himself could have paid the price for sinful man’s fall, and God Himself did pay that price in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son by Whom all things were Created and by Whose Word all things are sustained.
May all praise and glory and power and honor and strength and wisdom and riches be unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ forever and evermore! Amen!
God the Son suffered in my place on that cross. This is the most pride crushing God-centered fact of the New Testament. I can do nothing but fall on my face in humble obedience and worship before the Infinite Creator and Judge of the Universe Who endured all things and was tempted in all ways as I am, but yet without sin, and Who by His Incarnation became my Kinsman Redeemer.
How can I not be awestruck, amazed and dumbfounded by such an incredible thing? How can I do anything else but love Him, worship Him, and obey Him Who set aside His throne of glory, stepped out of eternity into time, clothed Himself with humility, and became a man making Himself of no reputation all for the joy set before Him?
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)
He is my one hope, my only truth, the one way of salvation, the narrow gate, and no one comes to the Father but by Him Who was, and is, and is to come, the Risen Lord of Glory Jesus Christ the Son of God!
Thanks for asking Who suffered on the cross!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Who Suffered on the Cross?
Posted by
Coram Deo
2:18 PM
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