Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Truth or Dare

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17)

I've noticed an increasing number of folks within the Christian blogosphere who frequently (and pathetically) fail to contrast the scriptural veracity and doctrinal purity of the watchman blogs - or watch doggies as they are derisively known - which are typically denounced for being variously "unloving", "arrogant" and/or "prideful" with that of the friendly emergents whom these same people typically praise and admire as "friendly", "open", and/or "loving".

If you are found among this number I caution you in the Lord to be mindful not to base your opinions on how others make you feel, but rather I exhort you instead to cling to what the Bible has to say about fidelity to scripture as opposed to adherence to a corrupt and man-centered faithlessness which is but a hollow pretence of genuineness.

There is a false humility that is much more devastating and spiritually cancerous than common boastful arrogance - both of which are forms of pride and ignorance that are frowned upon by the Lord of Glory.

Truly emotionalism and false piety are a dangerous and combustible combination for the soul. For a deep dive on these subjects I recommend Dr. John MacArthur's book "The Gospel According to Jesus".

The truth confronts error in love whereas deception welcomes all within its dark embrace.

God bless.